Diploma In Geomatics Engineering
About the Course
This curriculum is of three years duration with six semesters. It is designed to produce middle
level competent Geomatics technicians equipped with knowledge and skills related to the land
surveying, engineering/ construction surveying and Geographical Information System and
The study of Geomatics Engineering provides the ample opportunities of employment and self
employment in the field of surveying, mapping and GIS.
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मन्टेश्वरी तालिम
सहायक सूचीकार
सहायक व्युटिसियन
कम्प्युटर अपरेटर
मोटरसाइकल मर्मत
रेफ्रीजेरेसन एण्ड एयर कन्डडसन टेन्ननसीयन
Lathe Setter-Operator
मखमलको चप्पल बनाउने तालिम
पञ्चै बाजा बाद्यवाधन
गुडिया कुसन बनाउने तालिम
Early Childhood Development (ECD) Facilitation
Diploma In Pharmacy
प्रमाणपत्र तह सामान्य चिकित्सा (HA)
Pre-diploma in Civil (Building Construction), 2020